Saturday, March 27, 2021

Bird of the Day - Ruffed Grouse

The bird of the day is the ruffed grouse.  I was walking past some feeders today when I heard a relatively large bird fly past me and land in a nearby aspen tree.  It proceeded to start eating the numerous buds coming out of the branches. 
The ruffed grouse is one of two grouse species common to the Gunflint Trail.  Spruce grouse also live on the Gunflint Trail.  The ruffed grouse is often lighter colored, has a mohawk-like crest, and drums with its' wings to attract a mate.  Spruce grouse are generally darker colored, and the males have rufous-tipped tail feathers, and a red spot superior to the eye.

This March, I have spotted the following bird species on the Gunflint Trail:

1. Ruffed Grouse

2. Northern Shrike

3. Red-breasted Nuthatch

4. Black-capped Chickadee

5. Common Redpoll

6. Hoary Redpoll

7. Common Grackle

8. European Starling

9. Bald Eagle

10. Blue Jay

11. Canada jay

12. American Crow

13. Raven

14. Pine Grosbeak

15. Dark-Eyed Junco