Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Bird of the Day - Pine Grosbeak

 The bird of the day today is the pine grosbeak.  This beautiful bird has joined on us the Gunflint Trail for almost every winter since 2002.  Last winter was the only exception due to a strong seed crop throughout the region.

In the last week, I have noticed that the numbers of pine grosbeaks are dwindling, which means they have probably started their migration back to the Arctic.  There are no known birds of this type who nest in Minnesota; they just come to Northern Minnesota for the winter.

Male pine grosbeaks have significant red coloring after the first year.  Females have some yellow coloring after the first year.  Males and females in their first year can be russet colored.

Female Pine Grosbeak

Male and Female Pine Grosbeaks\

Male Pine Grosbeak