Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Bird of the Day - Common Goldeneye

One of my favorite diving ducks to reside in the Arrowhead Region is the common Goldeneye.  They are especially beautiful in the Grand Marais Harbor in the late winter and early spring.

The male have a green head with a striking white spot behind the bill.  His bill and upper back are black, while his lower back and sides are white.  The eyes of both genders are a bright gold color.

Goldeneye females have brown heads, with a yellow tipped bill.  Her back and sides are grayish-brown with some white spots.

Goldeneyes as well as many other birds lose their bright plumage after the spring mating season.  This is the time to see them in their finest colors.

I took the goldeneye pictures for this article more than a month ago while I was is Grand Marais.