Sunday, May 27, 2018

Final Big Year List

My Big Year has been over for close to a month now.  My final total is 132 species spotted from April 30, 2017 - April 29, 2018.  It was a fun year, and I saw a lot of species that I had never seen before.  The following is the species list in its entirety, and the locations of first sightings:

1. Red-winged Blackbird - Gunflint Lake, MN
2. Common Grackle - Gunflint Lake, MN
3. Dark-eyed Junco - Gunflint Lake, MN
4. White-throated Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
5. Song Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
6. Pileated Woodpecker - Gunflint Lake, MN
7. Downy Woodpecker - Gunflint Lake, MN
8. Black-capped Chickadee - Gunflint Lake, MN
9. Golden-crowned Kinglet - Gunflint Lake, MN
10. American Crow - Gunflint Lake, MN
11. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Gunflint Lake, MN
12. Bufflehead - Ham Lake, Cook County, MN
13. Mallard - Ham Lake, Cook County, MN
14. Winter Wren - Ham Lake, Cook County, MN
15. Turkey Vulture - Ham Lake, Cook County, MN
16. Blue Jay - Gunflint Lake, MN
17. White-breasted Nuthatch - Gunflint Lake, MN
18. Hairy Woodpecker - Gunflint Lake, MN
19. Chestnut-sided Woodpecker - Gunflint Lake, MN
20. Ruffed Grouse - Gunflint Lake, MN
21. Common Merganser - Lonely Lake, MN
22. Northern Flicker - Gunflint Lake, MN
23. American Tree Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
24. Clay-colored Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
25. Common Loon - Gunflint Lake, MN
26. American Robin - Gunflint Lake, MN
27. Herring Gull - Grand Marais, MN
28. Bald Eagle - Lake Superior near Grand Marais, MN
29. Ring-billed Gull - Duluth, MN
30. Chipping Sparrow - Duluth, MN
31. Horned Grebe - Duluth, MN
32. Red-breasted Merganser - Duluth, MN
33. Rock Pigeon - Duluth, MN
34. American Woodcock - Lake Superior, MN
35. American Kestrel - Gunflint Trail, MN
36. Purple Finch - Gunflint Lake, MN
37. House Finch - Gunflint Lake, MN
38. Pine Siskin - Gunflint Lake, MN
39. Red-necked Duck - Centennial Trail, MN
40. Savannah Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
41. Vesper Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
42. Belted Kingfisher - Grand Marais, MN
43. Canada Goose- Grand Marais, MN
44. Long-tailed Duck - Grand Marais, MN
45. Spruce Grouse - Bingshick Lake, MN
46. Yellow-rumped Warbler - Bingshick Lake, MN
47. Common Snipe - Magnetic Rock Trail Head, MN
48. American Black Duck - Gunflint Lake, MN
49. Brown-headed Cowbird - Gunflint Lake, MN
50. American Goldfinch - Gunflint Lake, MN
51. Black-throated Green Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN
52. White-crowned Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN
53. Canada Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN
54. Rusty Blackbird - Gunflint Lake, MN
55. Bonaparte's Gull - Gunflint Lake, MN
56. Common Yellowthroat - Lonely Lake, MN
57. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Gunflint Lake, MN
58. Northern Cardinal - Roseville, MN
59. Cerulean Warbler - Roseville, MN
60. Baltimore Oriole - Roseville, MN
61. House Sparrow - Roseville, MN
62. Tree Swallow - Roseville, MN
63. Hooded Merganser - Gunflint Lake, MN
64. European Starling - Roseville, MN
65. Cedar Waxwing - Roseville, MN
66. Mourning Dove, Roseville, MN
67. Wood Duck - Roseville, MN
68. Cooper's Hawk - Roseville, MN
69. Broad-winged Hawk - Roseville, MN
70. Gray Catbird - Roseville, MN
71. Yellow Warbler - Roseville, MN
72. Eastern Phoebe - Roseville, MN
73. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Roseville, MN
74. Great-blue Heron - Roseville, MN
75. Great Egret - Roseville, MN
76. Barn Swallow - Roseville, MN
77. Northern Harrier - North Branch, MN
78. Ovenbird - Gunflint Lake, MN
79. Merlin - Gunflint Lake, MN
80. Spotted Sandpiper - Grand Marais, MN
81. Osprey - Gunflint Lake, MN
82. Swainson's Thrush - Hungry Jack Lake, MN
83. Northern Parula - Gunflint Lake, MN
84. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Gunflint Lake, MN
85. Semipalmated Plover - Grand Marais, MN
86. Semipalmated Sandpiper - Grand Marais, MN
87. American Redstart - Devil's Track Canyon - MN
88. Veery - Sweatheart's Bluff, Grand Marais, MN
89. Hermit Thrush - Hungry Jack Lake, MN
90. Common Nighthawk - Gunflint Lake, MN
91. Indigo Bunting - Gunflint Lake, MN
92. Black and White Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN
93. Red-eyed Vireo - Gunflint Lake, MN
94. Nashville Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN
95. Northern Waterthrush - Gunflint Lake, MN
96. Scarlet Tanager - Gunflint Lake, MN
97. Magnolia Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN
98. Peregrine Falcon - Twin Cities, MN
99. Red-bellied Woodpecker - Roseville, MN
100. Double-crested Cormorant - Two Harbors, MN
101. Gran Jay - Pine River, Ontario
102. Red-tailed Hawk - Thunder Bay, Ontario
103. Philadelphia Vireo - Kakabeka Falls, Ontario
104. Wild Turkey - Near Neebing, Ontario
105. American White Pelican - Near Neebing, Ontario
106. Red-necked Grebe - Gunflint Lake, MN
107. Least Sandpiper - Grand Marais, MN
108. Green Heron - Roseville, MN
109. Golden Eagle - North Shore of Lake Superior, MN
110. Sharp-shinned Hawk - Hawk Ridge, Duluth, MN
111. Franklin's Gull - Second Crow Wing Lake, MN
112. Palm Warbler - Buffalo River State Park, MN
113. Connecticut Warbler - Buffalo River State Park, MN
114. Brewer's Blackbird - Moorhead, MN
115. Harlequin Duck - Grand Marais, MN
116. Lapland Longspur - Kadunce River confluence with Lake Superior, MN
117. Horned Lark - Gunflint Lake, MN
118. House Wren - Superior Hiking Trail, MN
119. Sedge Wren - Superior Hiking Trail, MN
120. Bohemian Waxwing - Grand Marais, MN
121. Black-backed Woodpecker - Gunflint Lake, MN
122. Redhead - Grand Marais Harbor, MN
123. Common Redpoll - Gunflint Lake, MN
124. Hoary Redpoll - Gunflint Lake, MN
125. American Coot - Lonely Lake, MN
126. Pine Grosbeak - Gunflint Lake, MN
127. Great-horned Owl - Roseville, MN
128. Eastern Meadowlark - Gunflint Lake, MN
129. Evening Grosbeak - Gunflint Lake - MN
130. Snowy Owl - Grand Marais, MN
131. Tundra Swan - Highway 35 near North Branch, MN
132. Boreal Chickadee - Gunflint Lake, MN

My goal now is to increase the size of my Life List.  Since the end of my Big Year, I have already added numerous species when I took a road trip out west.  I'll probably try another Big Year in the future, but plan to wait a while first.

Happy Birding!