Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Bird of the Day - Semipalmated Plover

The Bird of the Day today is the semipalmated plover.  I saw this one in Grand Marais, Minnesota on May 31, 2020.  It migrates through Grand Marais.  This bird most likely spends its' winters on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, and migrates every year to at least as far north as the shores of Hudson's Bay.
The last time I saw this species was exactly three years earlier, on May 31, 2017.  It was species number 85 on my most recent Big Year, which ran from April 30, 2017 - April 30, 2018.  You can see a picture of the bird on my May 31, 2017 blog article.  The early articles in the archive of this blog are all about that Big Year.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Lighthouse Goose

When I was in Grand Marais, Minnesota on Monday, I come across this scene of a Canada goose looking at the West Breakwater Light.  The vast majority of the Grand Marais Lighthouse pictures are of the main lighthouse on the east breakwater.  I like rooting for the underdog, so I thought I would feature the lesser known light.  This light was lit in 1902, and is still active today.  It is a lot harder to access than the main lighthouse, but you can get close to it in a boat, or by climbing over a lot of very large boulders.

The Canada goose is further from the light than the picture might suggest.  I was on shore when I took the picture, and the goose, lighthouse, and orange lichen covered rocks all lined up nicely.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Bird of the Day - American Black Duck

American Black Duck

The Bird of the Day today is the American Black Duck.  It is similar is size and appearance to to mallard duck, but darker in plumage.

American Black Duck
The differences in the genders of the American black duck can be seen in the color of the bill.  Males have a yellow bill.  Females have an olive bill.  Plumage is the same in both genders.

American Black Duck
Mallard Duck Hen (Female)

When seen side by side, the American black duck is noticeable darker than the mallard.  You can see the difference easily in the two pictures above and the picture below.

American Black Duck (left) and the Mallard Ducks (center and right)

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Bird of the Day - Common Merganser

The Bird of the Day today is the common Merganser.  They are a larger type of diving duck.  Other mergansers in our region include the red-breasted merganser and the hooded merganser.  You can see some pictures of the hooded mergansers in one of my previous Bird of the Day posts.
 I took these pictures right in the Grand Marais, MN harbor.  The top picture is near the Coast Guard Station, and the bottom two pictures are from the campground.  I enjoyed watching the common merganser with the Canada geese.