Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Big Year - Final Bird Species

 My third Big Year ended the day before Easter.  I added a lot of new species in the last few weeks due to a birding trip I took to Texas.  While I flew in to Houston, most of my birding was done on the Bolivar Peninsula and High Island, Texas.

High Island is a salt dome which rises about 25 feet above the Gulf of Mexico.  It is the highest spot around, and is seen by many species as the first land spotted on their migration north over the Gulf of Mexico.  When there is a north wind, many migratory species land right at High Island because that is the first land they see.  The land further out on the Bolivar Peninsula is so close to sea level that most of the buildings are up on high stilts to avoid the storm surge.

Here is the list of birds that I added to my Big Year list on the trip:

April 11, 2022

121. Great-tailed Grackle - High Island, Texas

122. Boat-tailed Grackle - High Island, Texas

123. Carolina Wren - High Island, Texas

124. Black Vulture - High Island, Texas

125. Roseate Spoonbill - High Island, Texas

126. White Ibis - High Island, Texas

127. Black-crowned Night Huron - High Island, Texas

128. Tricolored Huron - High Island, Texas

129. Snowy Egret - High Island, Texas

130. Great Egret - High Island, Texas

131. Anhinga - High Island, Texas

132. Common Gallinule - High Island, Texas

133. Blue-Winged Teal - High Island, Texas

134. Brown Pelican - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

135. Laughing Gull - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

April 12, 2022

136. Black-necked Stilt - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

137. American Avocet - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

138. Stilt Sandpiper - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

139. Sanderling - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

140. Willet - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

141. Least Tern - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

142. Neotropical Cormorant - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

143. Cattle Egret - Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

144. Cave Swallow - Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

145. Whimbrel - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

146. Northern Mockingbird - Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

147. Ruddy Turnstone - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

April 13, 2022

148. Gray Catbird - Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

149. White-eyed Vireo - Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

150. Reddish Egret - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

151. Wilson's Plover - Gulf of Mexico, Bolivar Peninsula, Texas

152. Black-bellied Whistling Duck - Gulf of Mexico, High Island, Texas

April 14, 2022

153. Yellow-crowned Night Heron - High Island, Texas

154. Lesser Yellowlegs - High Island, Texas

155. Little Blue Heron - High Island, Texas

It was another successful Big Year.  I saw a lot of great species in my home state of Minnesota, but also had two amazing birding trips. The first one to Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota near the beginning of my Big Year, and the last one was to Texas at the end of the Big Year.  I recommend all the places I visited to look for birds.

Theodore Roosevelt National Park gave me many of the species of the western United States, without having to drive too far.  The birds, other animals, and scenery were all amazing.

Minnesota has three major biomes, the hardwood forest, the boreal forest, and the prairie.  I visited all three in my Big Year.

The Bolivar Peninsula and High Island areas of Texas were amazing.  I added a huge number of birds to my Big Year and Life lists.  The people of Houston Audubon were absolutely amazing.  I have rarely met a nicer, more helpful group of people in any of my life's travels.  Due to their support and incredible bird sanctuaries, I saw many more species than I would have otherwise.

All three of my Big Years were all amazing learning experiences.  I recommend doing a Big Year to anyone who is serious about birding.

Happy Birding!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Big Year - Species 91 - 120

 It has been a while since I posted on this blog, but I've still been birding!  I'm up to 120 species for my Big Year, and have until the middle of April to find more.


91. Northern Parula - Gunflint Lake, MN

92. Mourning Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN


93. American Redstart - Gunflint Lake, MN


94. Osprey - Nevis, MN


95. Marsh Wren - Nevis, MN

96. Broad-winged Hawk - Nevis, MN


97. Hermit Thrush - Gunflint Lake, MN


98. Common Nighthawk - Gunflint Lake, MN

99. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - MN


100. Least Sandpiper - Gunflint Trail, MN


101. Broad-winged Hawk - Cook County, MN


102. Cape May Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN


103. Black-backed Woodpecker - Gunflint Lake, MN


104. Peregrine Falcon - Gunflint Lake, MN


105. Pied-billed Grebe - Lonely Lake, MN


106. Snow Bunting, Gunflint Trail, MN


107. Horned Lark - Grand Marais, MN

108. American Golden Plover - Grand Marais, MN

American Golden Plover - Grand Marais, MN


109. Brown Creeper - Gunflint Lake, MN


110. White-breasted Nuthatch - Buffalo River State Park, MN


111. Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Roseville, MN


112. Red-bellied Woodpecker - Roseville, MN


113. Northern Cardinal - Roseville, MN

114. House Wren - Roseville, MN


115. Common Redpoll - Gunflint Lake, MN

Common Redpolls and Pine Grosbeaks
116. Canada Jay - Gunflint Lake, MN
Canada jay

117. Pine Grosbeak - Gunflint Lake, MN
118. Evening Grosbeak - Gunflint Lake, MN
119. Boreal Chickadee - Gunflint Lake, MN

120. Hoary Redpoll - Gunflint Lake, MN

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Golden Eagles, Two Thrushes, Two Vireos, American Black Duck, and Indigo Bunting (Species 84 - 90)

 Recently I have identified seven more species.  The first species was the golden eagle.  I saw a pair of them in Theodore Roosevelt National Park, and well after the trip, identified them from I photo I took.  That is one major advantage of having a camera with a long zoom lens.

I’ve also identified two thrushes, two vireos, an American black duck, and an indigo bunting.  All of those were identified Cook County, Minnesota.


84. Golden Eagle - Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Golden Eagles


85. Veery - Gunflint Lake, MN

86. Philadelphia Vireo - Gunflint Lake, MN


87. Red-eyed Vireo - Gunflint Lake, MN


88. Swainson’s Thrush - Gunflint Lake, MN


89. American Black Duck - Gunflint Lake, MN

Mallard (Left Front) and American Black Duck (Right Rear)

American Black Duck (Rear) and Three Mallards


90. Indigo Bunting - Gunflint Lake, MN 

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Great Warblers Today

 I had a nice birding hike this morning near Gunflint Lake.  There were some great birds singing, and I added two birds to my Big Year List:

82. Nashville Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN

83. Magnolia Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN

I have photographed several other birds the last few days, Here are some of my favorite photographs:

Purple Finch

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Chipping Sparrow

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Rose-breasted Grosbeak

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Birding in Minnesota and North Dakota - Species 35 - 81

 I have been a busy birder since my last post.  In that time, I have birded everywhere from the Gunflint Trail to the headwaters of the Mississippi, to the prairie, to Theodore Roosevelt National Park in the North Dakota Badlands.  Here are the new species for my Big Year list:


35. American Woodcock - Gunflint Lake, MN


36. Winter Wren - Gunflint Lake, MN


37. Chipping Sparrow - Gunflint Lake, MN


38. Rock Pigeon - Hawley, MN

39. House Sparrow - North Dakota

40. American White Pelican ~Medina, ND

41. Lesser Scaup - Crystal Springs, ND (Prairie Potholes/Sloughs)

42. Double-crested Cormorant - Crystal Springs Rest Area, ND

43. Franklin’s Gull - Bismarck, ND

44. Northern Flicker - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

45. European Starling - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

46. American Kestrel - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)
47. Wild Turkey - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

48. Black-billed Magpie - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

49. Mourning Dove - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

50. Great Horned Owl - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

51. Western Meadowlark - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

52. Ferruginous Hawk - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

53. Ring-necked Pheasant - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)

54. Killdeer - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (South Unit)


55. Wood Duck - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (North Unit)

56. Barn Swallow - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (North Unit)
57. Belted Kingfisher- Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (North Unit)
58. Northern Harrier - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (North Unit)
59. Mountain Bluebird - Theodore Roosevelt National Park, ND (North Unit)

60. Great Blue Heron - Crystal Springs, ND

61. Eastern Phoebe - Nevis, MN
62. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - Nevis, MN

63. Swamp Sparrow - Nevis, MN
64. Eastern Whip-poor-will - Nevis, MN

65. Blue Jay - Nevis, MN

66. Palm Warbler - Nevis, MN
67. Caspian Tern - Nevis, MN

68. Golden-crowned Kinglet - Gunflint Lake, MN
69. Northern Saw-whet Owl - Gunflint Lake, MN

70. Common Yellowthroat - Gunflint Lake, MN

71. American Goldfinch - Gunflint Lake, MN
72. Common Goldeneye - Gunflint Lake, MN
73. Red-tailed Hawk - Round Lake Road, Cook County, MN

74. Ruby-throated Hummingbird - Gunflint Lake, MN

75. Black-and-white Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN

76. Ovenbird - Gunflint Lake, MN
77. Chestnut-sided Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN

78. Pine Siskin - Gunflint Lake, MN
79. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Gunflint Lake, MN

80. Long-tailed Duck - Lake Superior, Grand Marais, MN

81. Black-throated Green Warbler - Gunflint Lake, MN